Creating synergy by understanding your corporate culture.

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About Cultural Synergy

Corporate culture consultancy

Cultural Synergy supports leaders of international organisations with the realisation of a healthy corporate culture. We assist with corporate culture management, i.e. managing the relationships between people to ensure the organisation's collaborations, employees and financial results stay healthy. Only when this is done effectively can synergy be achieved. Teams become greater than the sum of their parts and the organisation transcends itself.

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Challenges of the corporate culture

The strategy is not at the top of everyone's mind. People's involvement is low, absenteeism is high, there is tension within teams or between departments and employees do not trust each other. These are all symptoms of an unbalanced corporate culture.

The corporate culture concerns everything that occurs between people: the collaboration, the communication, the leadership. In a healthy culture, employees thrive in their productivity and collaboration. Such a culture is brimming with synergy.



As a leader, you have to understand your organisation's personality.

Effective leadership

An organisation's corporate culture is akin to its personality. In order to properly guide that personality, it is essential that leaders view their organisation from the right perspective. To effectively manage the corporate culture, three specific areas of attention must be integrated into the leadership: the strategy, the group dynamic and the individual. During our cultural track "Synergise,” the levels are incorporated into all three phases. This allows us to uncover and understand the complexity of an organisation's corporate culture and change it if necessary.



Cultural track “Synergise”

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Phase 1 – The analysis

The analysis of the corporate culture brings to light patterns and contradictions in relation to leadership, strategy implementation, communication and group dynamics.


Phase 2 – The intervention

During the intervention phase, the focus is on breaking through dominant patterns with the help of leadership advice, storytelling training, team coaching and mediation.


Phase 3 – The integration

The final phase is centred around the structural integration of the improvements in order to maintain a balanced corporate culture in the long run.


Test your corporate culture!

To gain some initial insight into your own corporate culture, you can do an online quickscan. After answering a few questions, the answers will give you an initial overview of the status of your corporate culture. You can also request a live quickscan instead. After a day of on-site interviews and participating observations, you will receive the initial feedback regarding your corporate culture.

Do a quickscan



"We have taken major steps with regard to the development of a healthy culture within our team. As a result, our strategy is far more effective now."

Edwin Smit - R&D Director, Abbott Zwolle

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